Effective co-curation
Co-production and co-curation are increasingly becoming mainstream approaches in museums. But what are the challenges, and how do you do it well?
Categories: Curatorship, Exhibitions, Freelancing, Interpretation
The impact of curating traumatic histories
When you think about occupations with the potential to harm your mental health, what comes to mind? Emergency services, social work, NHS? All of those. But what about working as a historian or curator?
The 'now page', March 2023
Listening, feedback and taking breaks: what I've learned and what I've been thinking about over the first quarter of the year.
Categories: Freelancing, Learning
Keep calm and carry on? How to freelance through a crisis
Some tips on how to keep your freelance business afloat when everything in your life is going wrong.
Categories: Freelancing, Wellbeing
Out of Darkness: reflections on Kaunas 2022
History, memory and storytelling: notes on a recent visit to the European Capital of Culture 2022
Categories: Curatorship, Exhibitions, History, Interpretation